Optibelt spares no expense when it comes to quality and reliability for its customers
Supporting your Analysis Equipment, Belts and Pulleys needs
Optibelt, now in its fifth generation, and produced quality products since 1872, and the Arntz Optibelt Group is a leading global manufacturer of high-performance belt drives.
From its headquarters in Höxter (North Rhine-Westphalia), the Arntz Optibelt Group runs eight production sites in six countries. The family-owned company has some 2300 employees worldwide.
The owner families of the Arntz Optibelt Group think in terms of generations, not in quarterly or yearly periods of time. We say yes to innovation, but no to experiments at the expense of quality.
Makers of High-performance timing belts with carbon cord, V-belts, rubber timing belts, ribbed belts, polyurethane-timing-belts. Pulleys include the special and v-grooved pulleys, and DC timing belt pulleys to name a few.
Optibelt spares no expense when it comes to quality and reliability for its customers.